LA: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.
LA: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade level topic or subject area.
LA: Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
LA: Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, using formal English when appropriate to the situation.
SCI: Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water.
SCI: Construct drawings or diagrams as representations of events or systems.
SS: Compare ways in which people from different cultures think about and deal with their physical environment and social conditions.
SS: Use appropriate resources, data sources, and geographic tools to generate, manipulate, and interpret information.
SS: Identify and use various sources for reconstructing the past, such as documents, letters, diaries, maps, textbooks, photos, and others.
VA: Use different media, techniques, and processes to communicate ideas, experiences, and stories.
VA: Use visual structures of art to communicate ideas.
VA: Identify specific works of art as belonging to particular cultures, times, and places.