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Erase Waste Lesson Plan

Reusing or repurposing items can help reduce waste. Students will get creative with finding ways to help the planet.

  • Grade 3
    Grade 4
    Grade 5
  • 30 to 60 minutes
  • Directions

    1. Recycling is a necessary and important way to keep trash out of landfills, but it still requires energy. And when we recycle something, such as a plastic water bottle, chances are we will go out and buy new bottles. Have students talk about ways they can reduce waste - both in landfills and recycling bins. Perhaps they could use non-disposable water bottles, pack lunch in a reusable bag rather than a disposable plastic bag, store food in glass containers rather than plastic, donate outgrown clothes and games to charity, etc.
    2. Ask students to design an "Erase Waste" poster that illustrates and displays some of the ideas they came up with. Encourage them to use items that were going to be discarded.
    3. If possible, have students bring their posters to other classrooms and talk about how reducing waste helps the environment and the future of the planet.
    4. Display the posters in the classroom, or post them on bulletin boards in hallways.
  • Standards

    SS: Time, Continuity, and Change: Understand linkages between human decisions and consequences.

    SEL: Responsible Decision Making: Learn how to make a reasoned judgment after analyzing information, data, and acts. Identify solutions for personal and social problems.

  • Adaptations

    Have students investigate the concept of "upcycling." It is the process of transforming by-products or unwanted items into new materials or products. Encourage them to upcycle at home. Perhaps they can decorate a glass jar and fill it with treats to give as a gift. Or they might cut pieces of a tattered shirt and create a collage.

    Invite someone who works in the sustainability field to come and speak to the class about the state of the environment and ways we can work toward a healthier future for the planet.


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