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Kindness Rock Painting

Kindness Rock Painting_Poster Frame
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Kindness rocks! Give a random act of kindness in rock art form—just paint, write a positive message & decorate.

Craft by CIY Staff


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Kindness Rock Painting_Step 01

1 Pick small rocks outside. Wash and dry if needed.

Kindness Rock Painting_Step 02

2 Apply a thin layer of paint to top of rock.

Kindness Rock Painting_Step 03

3 While paint is wet, add a different color of paint and blend together. Dry 1–2 hours.

Kindness Rock Painting_Step 04

4 Write an encouraging message with markers.

Kindness Rock Painting_Step 05

5 Add sparkly accents with glitter glue. Dry 3–4 hours.

Kindness Rock Painting_Step 06

6 Create many rocks to give to family and friends!

CIY Staff Tips:

  • Whether during Random Acts of Kindness Week or on its official day, help make kindness the norm with this rock painting craft.