DIY Dinosaur Eggs
Act like an archeologist by making and breaking open your own prehistoric dinosaur eggs! Perfect to trade with friends!
- Crayola White Air Dry Clay
- Crayola Paint Brush
- Disposable Plate
- Crayola Washable Paint
- Small Dinosaur Toys
- Tools: Paint, Air Dry Clay
- Theme: Rainy Day Crafts, Summer, Trending
- Age: 6+, 8+
1 Flatten out a section of clay big enough to fit a plastic dinosaur.
2 Leaving a space to create a hollow center, fold the clay around the dinosaur and mold to create an egg shape. Repeat for additional eggs. Dry overnight.
3 Over a disposable plate, use paint brush and paint to give the eggs some color. Dry 1–2 hours.
4 Trade the dino eggs with friends! Break open using the end of a paint brush to see what’s inside.
CIY Staff Tips:
- Experiment with placing other small, hidden treasures inside your eggs for endless surprises!