Melted Crayons

* Note: Provide adult supervision in well-ventilated area for techniques involving melted crayons. Ironing should be done by an adult. Overheating wax crayons during melting or ironing may release irritating fumes.

Melted Crayons

Experiment with melted crayon. For the first two techniques, melt unlabeled crayons in a crayon melter or in muffin tins placed either on a warming tray or into a water-filled electric fry pan set for low heat.*

Encaustic Design


Using a bristle brush, palette knife or cotton swab, apply the melted, liquid crayon thickly to cardboard for an encaustic technique.*

Tjanting Needle


Use a tjanting needle (a tool with a wax reservoir and fine spigot) to apply hot wax (the melted, liquid crayon) to fabric or paper for a batik.*

Drawing with Melted Crayons


Tie or tape three large crayons together. Tape a piece of drawing paper to a table. With crayons in one hand, and hair dryer on a low heat setting, blow heat directly onto the crayons until they begin to melt. Move your hand around over the paper to create abstract images. Try different color combinations and layer colors over colors.

**Melting crayons should be done in a well-ventilated area. Overheating wax crayons may release irritating fumes. This technique is recommended for grades 8 and older. Melting should be handled by an adult.

Ironing Crayon


Make shavings of an unlabeled crayon and scatter over of a piece of wax paper. Place another sheet of wax paper on top. Place newspaper on top. With an iron on the lowest setting, carefully move the iron over the newspaper with an even pressure.* Allow to cool.

How to use Fabric Crayons


Draw heavily on a piece of paper. When finished, place the paper upside down on a piece of fabric. Place newspaper underneath the fabric. Set an iron to synthetic and iron over your design, constantly moving, until your design can be seen through the paper.* Keep in mind that any design you make will transfer backwards. So if you write words or letters you will have to make them backwards. For color permanency, choose 100% synthetic fabrics.

Fabric Texture


Place a textured material underneath your paper as you draw; for example, sandpaper, LEGO® boards, etc. These textures will leave designs on your paper. When you transfer to fabric, the designs will appear.*

Snowflake Design


After you have finished coloring a piece of paper fold and cut it into a snowflake. Unfold and place upside down to transfer onto the fabric.*

Leaf Texture


Place leaves underneath a piece of paper and make rubbings of them. Transfer these rubbings to the fabric for a nature look.*