• Crayola® Washable Watercolors provide superior washability from skin and fabrics (not for
  • use as body/face paint).
  • Bright, intense, transparent colors allow for excellent color mixing and application.

Color Saturation


Watercolor paints are activated when water is added. To obtain a deeper, denser tone of color, pre-wet the desired paint with a brushful of water and stir gently. Let sit for 30 seconds. For more translucence, mix paint with water in a plastic mixing tray or plastic plate.

Wash of Color


Dampen paper with a wet sponge or briefly hold paper under water. Lay flat. Spread one color over the entire paper. Tilt the paper to help the color spread evenly.



Overlay colors to build up dark colors or to mix hues. Once the bottom layer is dry, brush paint over it. Repeat until desired color effect is reached.

Wet vs. Dry


Wet the paper before you begin, so colors will blend quickly and easily, spread evenly, and have a lighter shade. Begin with dry paper for colors that will be darker and won't blend as quickly or easily.

Salt Sprinkles


Sprinkle salt on wet paintings and let dry. Once dry, brush off the remaining salt. You'll have an interesting design because the color concentrates into the areas where the salt crystals form.

Plastic Wrap


While paint is still wet, press crumpled plastic wrap onto the artwork. This technique will leave an interesting texture. Or try laying plastic wrap flat on the wet painted surface. Pull with one strong stroke in one direction. As the wrap moves, it will pull the paint along.

Half Prints


Select a leaf, stick, or piece of string. Paint one side of the object with a dark color and press onto paper for a 'half print.' Then paint the second side of the object with a different color and press the object on top of the other print.

Crayon Resist


Try a crayon resist for a uniquely textured surface. First, color lines and shapes heavily with crayons. Then cover with paint. The waxy crayon will "pop" though the painted surface. Experiment with thinning the paint with water.